ph meter

Why is pH meter calibration important?

Understand your pH meter, the importance of calibration for accurate readings and how to avoid misleading measurements.

Crédit Nicolas da Costa(1)

Celebrating International Women’s Day

Discover the inspiring stories of Trescal's female colleagues in STEM as we celebrate International Women's Day. Learn from their diverse experiences and be inspired by their achievements.


5 Facts About Calibration

Calibration might sound like a technical term used only in scientific settings, but its influence extends far beyond the laboratory. It plays a crucial role in ensuring accuracy, safety, and efficiency in countless aspects of our daily lives, from the seemingly mundane to the critically important.


Press Release: Trescal completes 100th acquisition

Trescal, the global leader in calibration services, announced the acquisition of Lumadae and ACCI in Brazil, Q&Q in South Korea, SP Metrology System in Thailand and A.A. Jansson in the United States.

CIM november

Understanding the Brillouin function in quantum mechanics

Learn how the Brillouin function describes the magnetic field's dependence on the total angular momentum J of the material.

trescal app labo

Journey of a Tool: Behind the Scenes at Trescal

Trescal ensures your tools are handled with the highest level of expertise and care. Watch our video to learn about the journey of your tool when it's in our hands.


Compact Illuminance Meter Calibration with Integrating Sphere

Get precise calibration for your compact illuminance meter using an integrating sphere. Trust our professional services.